This product is currently sold out.
Our workers generally make a good amount of their income with tips, and because of how we've had to change our processes, they are making almost no tips. In an effort to try to put more money in their pockets, we've added a this option to add a tip to your order.
You can add a tip to your purchase by selecting multiples of the $1 option below. We don't have the ability to add a percentage option on the checkout page, so this is a little clunky. It's our best solution at the moment.
We share tips evenly, based on hours worked, with the exception of our manager, who does not take tips. 100% of your tip will be distributed, the same as we always have done. We do pay fees - 2.6% + a $.30 transaction fee for every online order, but the company will absorb that cost and pass on the whole amount you tip.
Your support means the world to us, and we all really appreciate your patronage. We'll keep going as long as we can during this emergency. Stay safe and healthy, and we'll try to keep you in savory and sweet.